Saturday, October 29

Border Treaty with Vietnam Poses Dilemma for new King

This CNN report explains why the new King Norodom Sihamoni is caught between a rock and an hard place.

So to sign the treaty would draw his father's [Norodom Sihanouk] disapproval; but to not sign it would earn the enmity of [prime minister] Hun Sen, who has made it patently clear that he feels that an uncooperative monarchy is an expendable institution.

One political observer has likened Sihamoni's predicament "to a Cambodian adage about a person having to choose between getting in a river infested with crocodiles and climbing up onto the shore roamed by tigers".


Blogger Unknown said...

stupid government
stupid hunsen and his cronies

all he think about is his own lifetime

November 15, 2005 6:23 PM  

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