Sunday, March 20

Golden Buddha Bonanza

Just how often do Cambodians stumble across forgotten Buddha statues? Is the story of Grandma Penh (or Daun Penh) something that is being repeated throughout the ages?

Well if this report in the China View is any indication, then gold coated statues are popping up on a regular basis.
In 1997, 15 artifacts were found in the area [of Stung Treng province] and given to retired King Norodom Sihanouk for display inside the Royal Palace.

It also quotes The Cambodia Daily in its report that Cambodia's soldiers uncovered 154 miniature Buddhas coated with gold, silver and brass last week in Stung Treng province.

The local media reported the artefacts were buried in a plot owned by a relative of one of the soldiers in Stung Treng district, which had been overgrown with forest.
Ten of them are plated with gold, 51 with silver and 93 with brass and vary in hight from about 10 cm to the size of a human thumbprint.
So perhaps the odds are good for stumbling across another forgotten trove?


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